Jon's Homeschool ResourcesCanada
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
An all-star cast of regional contact people,
"committed to providing support, advice and
information to individuals and organizations. Acting as a
special interest group nationally and regionally, ACHBE will
help protect the rights of all Canadians to educate their
children at home. ACBHE has no political or religious
has many regional branches - see the
ACHBE page for a branch near you.
CHEERS - Calgary Home Eds Encouragement & Resource Society
Box 63022 - 2604 Kensington Road NW
Calgary AB CANADA. T2V 4S5 Encouragement and support to families homeschooling or thinking of
homeschooling in the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and surrounding areas.
An inclusive network of Kingston, Ontario area families with
get togethers a couple times a week. Activities include field trips,
theme days, enrichment classes, homeschooling clubs and special events.
Montreal Homeschoolers' Support Group
5241 Jacques Grenier
Montreal PQ H3W 2G8 (11-01-1994) NE Christian Home Education Support Group
Mylene Brick
6979 Laguna Way NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6W5 spevents@home.com Quebec Homeschooling Advisory
CP 1278
1002 Rosemarie Val David PQ J0T 2N0 Canada (11-01-1994) The Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents Vaudreuil-Dorion Homeschool Support Group
Meets every 3rd Monday of the month in
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec. All welcome. Contact us for more details!
Debbie <debric@axess.com>
aka "ca-ca", a Canadian spin off from home-ed. Home-based learners of all
stripes, a lot of unschoolers. Mostly Canadians
with a few ex-pats and wannabes - "generally pretty
intelligent discussion - almost always polite". Subscribe by sending
subscribe homeschool-ca to
"Encouragement for Home Educators" - ten issues a
year, with encouraging articles, activities, projects, and "A Day at Our House".