Jon's Homeschool ResourcesContact JonThis is the place you can contact me with a question that's not answered on the site or with a listing update or other content suggestion.
Have you read my Read Me page yet? I don't know anything about the laws or support groups in your area that's not on my page for your area. Also, I can not and will not recommend any curricula, accredited distance learning, or online lessons. Nor can I help you find homeschooling families in your area who aren't listed on my site. If you still have a question, I'll be glad to try to answer it.
I do apreciate any and all link suggestions. At the same time, I'm always backlogged, and so employ a rough sort of triage whereby personal pages get priority over support group listings and other content.
If you want me to list your personal page please consider including your zip code so that homeschoolers near you can find you easily.
If you want to send me a new support group listing or to send me an update to an existing listing, please be sure to include
I'm always interested in well-written essays, bibliographies, and other useful reference material. I do ignore most 'content' suggestions, but feel free to send me pointers to your math / science / literacy sites. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in your homeschooling fair or other event - I have enough of a backlog even without adding listings that expire and need to be removed. (Maybe someday the online database will eliminate this restriction.) I don't offer any free product listings. No exceptions.
Quick Tips
I don't know ....
Anything about your local schools. I live in Santa Cruz, California -
and am far from being an expert even on Santa Cruz. What I am
good at is collecting and organizing information. If you have a
question about your local schools or homeschooling parents near
you, please look at my page for your area.
I'm always very backlogged - please don't be offended if it takes
me a long time to do anything about your suggestion.