Jon's Homeschool ResourcesConnecticut
Over the years, many people have contributed to these listings.
The seeds of the collection came from
Ruthann Biel,
Growing Without Schooling,
Home Education Press.
Fairfield and New Haven counties.
Faith based and Bible believing; members strive to raise children according to
God's Word, teaching them to be Christlike in all they do and say.
Mainly looking for families with children in grade 6 and under. Moms' meetings
the 3rd Tuesday of each month; two park days and at least one field trip per month.
Offering information and support to Connnecticut Homeschoolers since 1995.
Dayspring Christian Homeschoolers
Fairfield county, mostly Greenwich and Stamford
Sharon Soltes <76363.1414@compuserve.com>
CT's CURE - CT's Citizens to Uphold the Right to Educate
"From the borders of Massachusetts and New York east to East
Hartford and south to below Woodbury." An inclusive group,
"providing support and information to [anyone] interested in home schooling."
Mountain Laurel Christian Homeschool Support Group
Shoreline Homeschoolers
An inclusive, welcoming, group with over 70 families from
New Haven to Mystic. Support group meetings and newcomer gatherings;
educational and social events; classes & fieldtrips; e-mail newsletter;
a "for kids & by kids" homeschooling newspaper; educator discounts; yearly homeschooling yearbook and more.
Unschooling essays and a Guilford support group:
"We come together to play and
socialize, to support and encourage each other, to share
ideas and information, and to reassure ourselves that we
are not alone in believing that children and adults can be
responsible for our own learning."
Connecticut Homeschool Newsletter
Email info@CTHomeschoolNetwork.org
to receive a free online monthly newsletter and
Calendar of Events from the Connnecticut Homeschool Network.
Doris Hohensee <doris@mainstream.com> writes: Connecticut has a neat equivalency law which allows homeschooling as the first choice: All parents and those who have the care of children shall bring them up in some lawful and honest employment and instruct them or cause them to be instructed in reading, writing, spelling, English grammar, geography, arithmetic, and United States history and in citizenship, including a study of the town, state and federal governments.