Jon's Homeschool ResourcesNo Sales?Although I do think that it's fair to say on the Welcome page that "I am not trying to sell anything to you," every book I mention on this site does have a link to Amazon.com that generates a commission for me if you buy the book through my link. However, this does not affect your price in any way, and these are books I was mentioning anyway. I set up the Amazon Associates account primarily for the official author's page for my Kylix book and figured I might as well take the trouble to add links to the various books already mentioned here.Also, I do have both a vendors page with paid ads and classified ads on the regional pages, but I have no financial interest in these outside of selling them space. I don't make much money from the ads - no, it does not pay the web hosting bill - and it chiefly serves as a way for me to deflect requests to either review or promote various homeschooling products.