Jon's Homeschool ResourcesPagan
Open to all Pagan Parents, whether currently homeschooling your children or
merely thinking about it. Topics vary from homeschool vs unschool to
curriculum choice.
The Pagan Homeschooler's List
A closed list for pagan parents only.
Started in January 1997 by four women on AOL, claims to be "the first email list
for pagan homeschoolers". Activities mainly focus on email support for one another,
but also publishes Acorns, a newsletter, and neighbors have met,
had camp outs, &c. A high volume, discursive list: 200-300 posts are
not uncommon. To subscribe, write to
PHSlistparent@yahoo.com for the screening letter.
Also, there are several regional Pagan mailing lists - look for them on your state's page.