A famous 1991 essay by John Taylor Gatto. (The link above seems to be a bit unreliable - but
there are
plenty of other copies
on the web.)
By Jan Hunt of the Natural Child Project.
an essay by John O. Andersen
on eschewing college and careerism in favor of lifelong learning and voluntary
Some ruminations by Dave Mankins (former moderator of the
home-ed mailing list)
on the infamous right-wing lobbying group.
(More Information About HSLDA
is a good compilation of the case for avoiding the HSLDA.)
A fun variant on the FAQ, also by Dave Mankins.
The current moderator of the
home-ed mailing list,
Heather Madrone
is writing a
book about homeschooling.
This page hasn't changed in a while, and reflects her
early thinking
on homeschooling.
My favorite Christian homeschooler: bright, thoughtful, and articulate. Here's a
collection of his essays.
I used to have a link for a Pennsylvania group named the Valley Unschooler's Network.
When I checked all those links in Oct02, I found that the Network had gone the
way of all parenting, leaving these essays by Charles Kiernan.
The author of We're NOT Off to See the Wizard
is perhaps a bit too prolix, but many of his essays are worth reading.
Unrests unveiled by Eric Anderson.
An essay by Patrick Farenga from
Growing Without Schooling.
By Earl Stevens.
An essay by Luz Shosie of Connecticut's
Unschoolers Support
on 'finishing' unschooling.
By Jeanne Musfeldt,
a Christian unschooling Mom.